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29th November 2019
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he stopped giving me attention

WebBut when you give so much attention and interest to a guy, but he just doesnt feel the same way, it can actually push him away from you. everything stopped. Nor was him working full time and on his masters degree for 18 months. Ask them, I feel like youre ignoring me. No updates or goodnight/ goodmorning texts.The thing is, I get worried easily.I didnt wanna bother him cause I knew he could get pretty busy with chores at home and his fam is kinda strict on exposure to electrical gadgets so he doesnt want to be on his phone much when hes with them. Youre worth someone who is your equal. I dont know, I hope someone out there can relate or help with how I feel. He always said that its his first relationship and he doesnt know how to behave like a boyfriend. my bf and i are long distance. but up to now he doesnt understand what im pointing out and still refuses to make even small efforts. Its so annoying because Im a feminist but I just want to feel secure. Imagine his game is more important than you. I dont feel that he supports me in my decisions on things. I just dont feel like a priority any more. Things are getting better as we learn about his condition and learn the tools to manage conflicts between us. We have been together for almost a year. If youre always playing offense, you could continually be hurting your partner's feelings, thereby offending, alienating, and pushing them away. Recently life has been on the up and positive but I feel our relationship hasnt grown or been a focus. We usually see each other every weekend but he normally works 6 days a week, 10 hours a day so we actually spend less than 24 hours a week with each other. Web206 views, 11 likes, 2 loves, 2 comments, 2 shares, Facebook Watch Videos from Andr Lima - EFT: O PODER DO PERDO. There is just nothing in return. Can anyone help me and give me some advice? He has motivation and spends money on doing that but what about me lol, he puts no effort into our relationship. yes, I did reply. The day before yesterday he texted me saying hes been feeling unwell and didnt get much sleep. doesn't pay attention to you, and they're not fully present when youre together. Ive had a talk with him a few times that I feel like his mom, Im always cleaning and cooking and have to tell him what needs to be done. He talks but does not deliver. Our plan for celebrating our anniversary like its nothing? We have a beautiful home and are dog and cat owners. How can he be so sure of that and not even care to nurture our relationship? One would think he would have learned his lesson and did something special this year. When i pull back abit, i notice it is when he makes an effort. He started texting her about how a great time they had and flirting with her. He didnt court me. I almost believe he is avoiding me for not been attracted to me.I am sure that he wants me and I feel frustrated with his actions but I do love other qualities he has. should i stay or let go? In a year and a half weve gone on maybe 2 dates and I had to beg for them. Because i often say this to him when i get angry. This is the real way to be happy and stop wanting for his love or validation to make you happy. I feel like my heart is breaking already, just waiting for the dreaded phone call to say he cant give me what I want when Ive said all I want is some time together an hour here or there, some texts to show he cares I dont feel its much but if its too much for him then I guess I need to accept things. I asked him where he skated since his bio mentioned he skated and then he said he knew me!! I was very prioritized in his life before but now he does not want to place me as high on his priority list anymore. Nope just opens the door, hey babe, then back to bed. , hopefully each day, I will start to become stronger, and maybe me and him could continue with our friendship as time passes. But he say he is not in happy After this all, at some point he started to chnge himself. I assumed he was dozing off cause he usually do. I feel like I could spend my life with him if it were not for one issue that has always popped up. I think him doing that even though you have said you arent okay with it is extremely disrespectful and shows he doesnt care about your feelings. Another thing is that my relationship with him heavily influenced my religion. NO AFFECTION. It was over a year ago that I asked my boyfriend if he would take me out on a date, but it never happen. The first time I actually felt MORE irritated. it just makes me sad. He has some property on the other side of town, he asked me to move in with him to establish a foundation. He studies in a university and was about to graduate when the lockdown began. Its driving me crazy!! Any thoughts ppl? He goes out at night with his friends when his daughter is staying with him, but uses her presence as a reason not to spend time with me, yet he is happy to do Thanksgiving together. he felt i shifted too much of my attention to work and the kids and not enough to him. HE ALWAYS FORGETS. My boyfriend was CEO of the company when I know him, we both were very attracted to each other, but some how we missed the chance. My mom knew smthn was up so she said no to taking me. You may find it helpful to write about your relationship. funny and stupid for I was foolish to be trapped with his flowering words. Everything now has become a tit-for-tat pissing match competition for control and autonomy. After that we were so in love and we talked all the time everyday. I MEAN EVERYONE HAS THEIR OWN LIFE BUT I WOULD INSIST ON HIM CHANGING THE DRINKING NOW OR LATER YOU COULD BE LIVING MY LIFE. I am so sorry you are going through this. This is one of the biggest reasons a guy will notice when you stop texting him. Im lucky if I get a phone call from him. I was still jus tholding it together because at least I have my boyfriend who will care for me for once instead of me constantly caring for others needs! He doesnt do laundry, dishes, cook or clean. i feel lonely in my relationship because it is very one sided. work game sleep. He chose to try with his ex leaving me broken hearted but we remained friends. He has made me realize a lot of my flaws and made me seek my inner self to understand why I am the way I am. Except for the kissing part and in my case i see him even less (once a month) but in my case he lost several family members since Ive known him so i know hes dealing with that. If youre not walking out the door, you are telling him that his behavior is acceptable. He feels sex is for marriage. My first true love affair and I got completely ripped off or short changed. You deserve to be treated well and loved the way you want to be loved. He always tells me that he loves me and always talks about the future seriously, but honestly it just feels like I just have to take his word for it. Also said he is feeling low and has issues with his father (this something he always tell me tbh)He hasnt called me yet tho he promised he would. After this last incident, something broke inside of me and I said no more. It wasnt any thing bad. Lives like a pig in his own house. I cant help but feel like he doesnt care as much about me as he used to, as we used to spend more time together before when I was more prioritized. He never calls me beautiful or cute and pretty no matter how much I try to dress up and impress him, he never notices anymore. The same month, I started my PhD program but I still made the time to see him. He had a past and opened up to me about it and we were just a rlly good couple. What can i do to walk out of this toxic relationship? We quarantined separately so have not seen each other for several months. I made it to the driveway before I felt so uncomfortable I ran inside to put on jeans and a tee shirt. He ignores you. I dont want to give this up if there is an underlying issue that we can resolve, but I cant put my finger on it. One of the best things to do when youre confused about your relationship is to pull back and try to see yourself and your boyfriend more objectively. If, for example, your boyfriend is dealing with work stress, emotional health issues or family problems then you can might want to give him some time and space. Not in an highly expected way but just generally happy and loving! You will be happy, trust me. Things you never even thought of knowing. If every word out of your mouth is an insult, a critique, or disparaging remark, Sometimes I felt that he was mad at me, he would say that I was a show off or that I always took things too seriously. If I try to go out of the way to show gratitude, he insists I dont care. These are no games. Sam I think you should be honest with your girlfriend and tell her this. This weekend I called for a break, and told him we should spend time apart. Your boyfriend is a narcissist. Till then, you should be determined not to commit to anything or anyone. I have since ended the relationship as I feel it is a one way system with him taking and not giving. I have started noticing lots of cracks in our relationship which have eventually led to me feeling unloved, invisible, not a priority and lonely. Nothing. I know how hard it is to let go, but I think you have to. But I cant help but read it as a lack of interest, it makes me feel horrible on dates and sends me in a spiral of panic that he is bored of me. We getting in touch a few years ago, but it didnt last long, didnt end it either, he just went to silent. This person called me a name during a fight, even after I said that Im not here for that. Men go through depression, hurt and sorrow just like us women do. Thats the one thing that i really expect. It had been more than a month since I had last talked to him. Ive been dating my boyfriend for almost 3 years now, i love him and I know he loves me back but, my biggest insecurity is him changing and being lazy in the relationship, which I have noticed he has been doing lately. The problem is, everyone around me has boyfriends that are going the extra mile to make sure their girlfriends feel loved at this time. Dont settle for this. I hope everything goes well for both us to get this relationship last. Also, Ive been having a lot of cheating dreams but Im assuming its because he doesnt make me feel secure in the relationship because of the change. I feel like now hes doing things to purposely piss me off like not talk to me all day or say that Im always starting crap. Each weekend he has been helping his DJ friend ( his BFF), or going out with best buddies. He also gave his daughter my phone number so she could text me as she wasnt feeling well. But hes never done anything at my house even though he says he will help me out. He used to do things for me but it seems like he doesnt do anything. I get everyday but we go like 3 weeks to a month to once a month. Just because he misses a few phone calls or texts doesn't mean he is ignoring you." Hes never been married no kids etc. Idk what to do I dont want to lose him but i cant tell if he loves me or not he says he rlly does but doesnt act like it. Ive tried to initiate intimacy and have been rejected because hes tired. He said he was planning on proposing that year. As well as this, I makes me question if he is speaking to other females behind my back again. I always refuse because I want to make it on my own. He was so understanding and apologized for the lack of communication and promised to try his best to communicate more. I try to do something positive and you piss on it. If he doesnt wake up and go on the game he wakes up and lays down on the sofa (when not at work) I do all the DIY. He is making zero effort for me. I dont know what to do. The first 4-5 months were amazing, a classic honeymoon phase for sure. So me and my bf have been dating fur about 5 months now. Today he also told me that he was not ready to spend so much time on a relationship. Which was Im looking so bad I dont want neighbours to see me like this. And its so confusing because we do get along on every other front like we laugh and have so much fun when we hangout and talk a couple times everyday, but I tell him I like small silly gifts every now and then, and just anything thats like hey this made me think of you but he still doesnt seem to get it. Im dating my bf for a year and a half and we have had many calm as well as heated conversations about our relationship on our priority list. Now he is distant and asked for time and space. I signed up for therapy and told him that if my behavior was hurting him, that I was willing to change. Im about to turn 20 in a few months and hes 25, Im afraid i might be a little too naive or wayyy too vulnerable for someone like him. He would always build my hopes up before we call and end up forgetting or when he calls, hes either that hes going to bed or do so while playing his games throughout the call and not pay attention even when i have something to share which hurt my feelings. Hes a good man but not romantic, lately I been feeling like I been putting in all the work & carrying the relationship. Im right there with you though, I feel the same way about my bf of 2 years. Hi, I have a very similar situation to yours. Losing the I dont understand why he wouldnt make you diner when you took out all the ingredients. Youll feel encouraged and strengthened, comforted and supported. There are plenty more examples. This guy is not considerate at all and does not have your best interest at heart. Tinder is amazing, by the way. Of all the relationships you have, I was the best one, I did everything for you and this is how you pay me back. Get emotionally and spiritually healthy. YESTERDAY I TEXTED HIM AN TOLD HIM THE TRASH SMELT BAD AND HE SAID OKAY ILL TAKE IT OUT WHENI GET HOME. Its sad. Why cant he put in the effort? I have been dating my boyfriend for 4 years and weve known each other for 10 years. Why doesnt he show his love? But I decided to tell my bf what makes me happy. This sucks. But he reminds me almost daily that he thinks Im lazy and should be working at if Im not in school. My boyfriend and me zoomed and emailed and he moved from job to job. You can let go slowly at first and just start seeing other people. He also gave me his hat. I dont know if anyone has experienced this before? But still hes everything I want and need. i want to try to talk to him about it since we never argued or anything but ive been feeling this way for quite a while and i dont want to just break up with him like that. So, I believe I know him very well. He said he is trying to change. You want him to want you. Is he back with me to punish me or hes still holding back because of the break up and I just need to wait? The last time I told him about him not making me a priority, he said felt he wasnt good enough for me. Its like he wants to cause as much damage as he can verbally to win and I dont get it. When were on nights out and theres drink involved, he has a habit of literally disappearing for the whole day (with other people he knows that arent in my circle) and he doesnt contact me, when I try to contact him he usually does answer but after talking to him I never see any sign of him. We were fine for the first 6 months, then with this virus we havent been able to see each other. First, the more you push, the more he will pull back, because whatever his reason is, the pressure from you wont help. I am very confused and angry at myself because I know he wasnt like that in his previous relationship endeavors. He never brought it up again so I decided time to move on, clearly he is not interested. I realized he got into gaming with a girl for a long time. He always gives excuses such as I just ate and no matter what I still put my pride aside and do it for him. He also said he wanted to get married also but here we are and here I am still unmarried. Then we usually get in an argument and sometimes we break off for about a week. We would stay up all night calling for hours, thats how we learned the most about each other. Anything and Everything in hopes he would think maybe he should do the same. You wouldnt even have to be sad or feel bad for him, because the honest reality is that he didnt value all your efforts while you gave a damn. we recently got back together after a break up. After his birthday he left his sisters and moved in with his mom. I am still sad and confused as to what happened. You can change how you respond to your boyfriend and everything else in your life. Maybe not right now but sooner than 5 years from now, of that I am certain. If the boyfriend didnt do that and kept saying he did nothing wrong, maybe it is time you find someone who can truly respect the beautiful soul you are. The first year was good, with what I call sparks! He is very sporadic with hugs and holding hands. This makes me feel like he just needs me to help him with work. Is he telling me things just to shut me up or does he blurt things out impulsively. laugh etc for 45-60 mins. Works always. I know love makes me blind, could anyone tell me what I have been missing in this relationship please? I found a way thomy school computer so yeah. I love my boyfriend, but just cant get the feeling that he feels the same. Love your reply and I agree with it all Im struggling right now as Im conflicted with wht to do how long do you wait how long do you keep understanding he has issues he is dealing with but makes minimal effort with our relationship.. Im just sad angry and confused. He says he feels out of touch with his emotions, and he doesnt know how to think or handle them. this article is useful, thank you. he has a 9-5 job and all he ever wanna do is go home and game after and its not that i mind but is it rlly hard to jst have dinner w me for once? My boyfriend and I have known each other since I was 18 years old. It only got better when the pandemic hit and it seemed like we wouldnt see each other very much although we live 10 minutes apart in different towns. When you let go, you find peace and freedom. But I look at him for him. Now my mom did not know about my boyfriend i was afraid to tell her cause she probably wouldnt approve that he didnt go to school. He needs a chill pill and a real wake up call and renewed investment in life vs his career. Did his feelings change? I was dipping into my bucket to bring him up but I wasnt getting anything in return. He hasnt wine and dine me yet, nor is affectionate until it comes to bed time. He barely calls me back when he sees my miss calls,i talked to him about it,he told me he is just stressed up with work.. Now he tries to call me at night or text me before he sleeps,he returns my calls,but things are not like before.. I recently just been promoted to a great job.. We recently broke up with him due to the fact that, despite my efforts to express how I didnt feel like a priority, and him apologizing, him not making an effort to see me during the week (Works been crazy) and saying he would call me at night, but not, he did not change and I gave it 2 1/2 weeks. Instead of being apologetic or understanding how disappointed I was, naturally he got mad because Im never happy and hes tired of just being here for when I want something so as you can imagine its now Sat night and it never happened because now hes mad at me for demanding things and pouting when I dont get my way. God bless! he nvr suprises me, nvr rlly care if im okay or not. I tried to talk to him about it multiple times, every time he would apologize and say he would be better, but he always fell back in the same routine. The difference in mine is that he does apologies very often but never changesand I cant keep up anymore, I am simply not happy and not sure what do to do with that, I even doubting myself If I am not the one who is the wrong person. Do I let this person disrespect my boundary? I think I should do alot of listening when we get back to talk again. Im hoping this isnt becoming a pattern. Its like you are not even there. Im still waiting on unemployed from when I lost my ft job in Sept. My tuition for spring is late. I used to love doing that! I am an emotional person and I tend to cry. Watch YouTube videos on narcissistic boyfriends and you will know how lucky you are to be able to get away from him. High on mine, low on his. The only thing I get from him are words. I am actually tearing up as I type those words, he actually said that to me. The moment we start falling in love with spending time alone, and with good friends, spend more time away from him, but still caring for them when we are available, that way, if he is truly someone worth being with and if he truly loves you, he will be the one missing you being curious of what exciting things you are up to. Now, anytime I ask him to do laundry he throws a temper tantrum like a toddler, banging shit around, and still doesnt do the simple task I asked him to do. Then you explain and get everything fyn between you then after like two weeks he will he will give attitude again from no where five minutes he texts with love the other minutes he will text as if he doesnt care . My boyfriend and I have been together over 3 years. He had agreed we both need to be more positive and would be open to doing little exercises each day. He asked me to come to his section I said no Ill stay w my friends. We have amazing communication, we text all day everyday, see each other at least 1-2 days a week, we dont argue much, our sex life is greatMaybe its just because this is my only problem that it feels like a big deal? Im a modest gal. Is that just how things are going to go? I felt like I would never find anyone else who would want me, this douche bag was as good as I was ever going to get. He says he loves me but he just doesnt act like it. I hope this helps! No matter how much you wish your boyfriend was making more of an effort in your relationship, you have to remember that theres nothing you can do to change him. I have shared my emotions and thoughts to him, he tells me Im over reacting, I am being silly and he is still fully interested in me. I want to stress that YOU DID NOTHING WRONG by vocalizing your needs and something you crave in a relationship. Weve been together for 5 years. is dealing with the pressure of having other things on their mind, such as an achingly difficult work project or personal and/or familial issues that sap them of the energy to deal with little else. It can certainly take a negative toll on your relationship (and your self-esteem) if you constantly have to repeat yourself, you cant help but feel your S.O. Find a low-key, nonthreatening way to approach him. But whatever. Normally he kept our video call within 15 minutes, and he will keep quiet for a week after the call, but last one was lasted over half an hour and he went into silent for a few weeks after that. He knows Im upset yet does nothing to help me when all I want is a hug. NO CLEANING. I dont feel like I really know him at all. He will see what he lost. But its weird because he texts me good morning every day, asks how my day is throughout the day, sends me updates on everything he is doing, etc. I trusted his words for way too long. His family are complicated, we rushed into our relationship, live together almost 5 years. Then there was the hangovers. Im sorry. I wish I had answers for you girl, but Im very much in the same boat, hope we can figure something out, hang in there! Maybe you feel grateful when your boyfriend finally decides to stop by at 10 pm, without calling first. at the same time, I am wondering why should i wait for him to initiate, why not agree that i pay half of the dinner since i am an independent woman who believes in equality. thank you so much for posting this article since i really need clarity for my mind . Let YOU be your super woman! He has never introduced me to his father. Maybe hes coping with financial problems in his professional or personal life, or grieving the los of someone he loves. This person does not respect my boundary. Been with my a few years. Date. I dont think it is good to waste peoples time. I tried to get my best friend to take me (I cant drive) to his sisters baby shower so i could see him but i found out she no longer was friends with him and she hated that we were dating and regretted getting us together. Which I loved! i asked if he was going to write in his and he flipped his lid. I pay d bills, I buy him stuffs give him money, I practically do everything in d relationship . Well today came and guess who backed out of the park?? I would NEVER drop my whole life for a Man! I guess in the end we need to decide if hes worth all this heartache. What I got from this is that it is OK for a male to not understand what he wants in a relationship, but a female should bow down down no matter what. Also i didnt know if i could put this but yes I did give myself to him and it was my first time part of me regrets it and part of me doesnt but I promise it was legal but yeah. Were both divorced. Oh my goodness. He may be afraid to show sensitivity, make sure to let him know that its okay for him to cry. Ive bin going through a similar situation with a guy. As stated above, knowing what your boyfriend is going through (ex trauma, personal grief, work load) is important and all, but also knowing how you would act if you were in a similar situation gives you answers and peace. FUNCITONING ALCOHOLIC. His What am I not doing for you now that you want me to do? or Have I not done enough for you? bullsh*t attitude is bringing me to near madness. I have been with my boyfriend 15 years and yes he is still boyfriend no engagement no wedding haha. We ended up living together briefly because he did not want to be apart from me. Those arent just low relationship expectations, theyre unhealthy patterns of behavior. But by week three the little things stopped happening I chalked it up to me being less a guest in his home and more a comfortable companion. Does your boyfriend still care? What should I do? Its always laying on the couch watching TV. After that he chatted me that hes sorry he didnt give the money and I said im not accepting money for sex. Im 47, and he is 57 now, and we have been together for 10 years now and have lived together for 8 years. But theres one time where I got really mad and told him what i feel about everything and he said he was sorry and he tell me how much he loves me. Honestly he may need some space. But he was not my husband and my family didnt approve of such activities before marriage. He makes comments like some of us work for a living which is one of his huge baggage in life- the fact that hes a greedy mother $#_&@ and chose to be a workaholic and have no life even in his 20s so he expects everyone else to do the same. Cant get the feeling that he feels out of the park? depression, hurt and sorrow just like women. See him communicate more on unemployed from when I pull back abit, I practically do everything in he... 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he stopped giving me attention