2. Her family moved to Texas when she was young. McCorvey stepped out of the shadows in the 1980s to counsel women at pregnancy clinics, and in 1987 became a cause celebre when she admitted in a TV interview that she had lied when she claimed to have been raped, though that played no part in the case that went to the supreme court. As a girl, she ran away with a female friend, and when they were caught kissing, she was sent to reform school for punishment. I was everywhere. The store manager, Connie Gonzalez, caught her but didn't report her to the police. Unable to obtain an abortion, she gave birth to a baby girl on June 2, 1970. The Roe ruling, however, soon galvanized those opposed to it. The material on this site may not be reproduced, distributed, transmitted, cached or otherwise used, except with the prior written permission of Cond Nast. Dr. Lane suggested that McCorvey consult an adoption lawyer in Dallas named Henry McCluskey, with whom he had a long-standing arrangement. Norma McCorvey, known as Jane Roe, reveals she was paid by evangelical Christian groups to take anti-abortion stance. Religion fell in line, too. (The shooters were never found and the police made no arrests.) However, the papers she had signed were adoption papers, giving her mother custody of Melissa, and McCorvey was then kicked out of the house. However, the claim she has long madethat, in the days and years after Roe, she sought to remain anonymous, staying mum until a television interview 11 years lateris false. McCorvey passed away in 2017 at the age of 69and the documentary, which will premiere on Friday, May 22, on FX, was filmed in the months before her death. When legislative efforts failed, they turned to the judiciary, seeking the appointment of like-minded judges. Her parents, Olin and Mary Nelson, had pledged themselves to Jehovah when she was a girl, and McCorvey and her brother had knocked on doors in east Texas with religious literature, hocking thou shalt notsabortion among them. To revist this article, visit My Profile, then View saved stories. So, like many right-wing operations,. Gonzalez, she would recall, covered her with her body. More than once, I tried to make up for it with an added check, but it was never fair. McCorvey, under the pseudonym Jane Roe, had brought the precipitating lawsuit in 1970, when she was pregnant for a third time and living in Texas, where abortion was prohibited unless the life of the pregnant woman was threatened. I was a woman alone with no place to go and no job, McCorvey told the Southern Baptist Convention news service in 1973. They took a motel room in Oklahoma City, but were caught when a maid walked in on the two girls kissing and reported them to the police. [44] Schenck said that he was surprised that McCorvey said she favored abortion rights, although he said that he knew she "harboured doubts about the pro-life message she was telegraphing". Connie Gonzalez, but even that relationship . I heard the shotgun blast go off in my sleep, like a crack of thunder in a bright blue sky, McCorvey later wrote in I Am Roe. The Australian best known for directing a U.K. TV series about transgender kids, Born in the Wrong Body, was less interested in ideology, and simply curious about the woman at the center of the. And when, in 1995, she accepted Jesus and disavowed Roe (and her homosexuality, too), McCorveys life of advocacy began againjust on the other sidewith two more foundations, another book and hundreds more speeches about sex and religion, those same two forces that had formed not only Jane Roe but Norma McCorvey, too. Advertising Notice A few years later, according to a document in her files, McCorvey indicated that she was receiving a salary of $40,000 annually from Roe No More Ministries. She started out staunchly pro-choice. She had a thin nose and thin lips, an oval face with a high forehead and sunken chin, a poof of thick brown hair, and a voice loud and husky. Norma McCorvey was a part-Cajun high school dropout who grew up a Jehovah's Witness in Louisiana and Texas. Coffee and Weddington had been academic stars, and both were committed to advocacy on behalf of women. Though by now six months pregnant, McCorvey held on to the hope, she later wrote, that she might be the first girl in Texas to get a legal abortion. Meanwhile, Coffee and Weddington amended Roe to make it a class-action suit, ensuring that any ruling would apply to all women in Texas. McCorvey saved copies of the homily. Linda Tovar moved in to care for her aunt. She was the plaintiff in the landmark American lawsuit Roe v. Wade in 1973. The documentary reveals McCorvey received at least $450,000 in benevolent gifts from the anti-abortion movement. She would not tell her where Melissa was for weeks, and finally let her visit her child after three months. When, in 1973, she made a list in her red plastic datebook of the important events of that year, she included the Texas State Fair, the closing of a local theater, and the 4th Arab-Israili War, but did not take note of the Supreme Court ruling that would inform the rest of her life. [29] McCorvey's second book, Won by Love, described her religious conversion and was published in 1998. She is survived by Melissa; she does not appear to have had any contact with her other two children after their adoption. At birth, this baby was given up to a waiting adoptive couple that has kept its identity private. And although she spent most of her nights in the numb comfort of lesbian. McCorvey moved into the house on Cactus Lane that Gonzalez had bought with money earned from spackling and painting. And Gloria Allred kept McCorvey in the spotlight, helping her to speak out against, say, the nomination of a judge or the murder of an abortionist. No one wanted to hire a pregnant woman. (Say Versus rather than V. Abortion instead of It. If youre asked a three-part question, answer the one you like best.). Norma was incredibly complex.. McCorvey remained largely aloof from the legal proceedings around Roe. 2023 Smithsonian Magazine Jane Roe's Pro-Life Conversion Was a Con -- Norma McCorvey makes a shocking deathbed confession. (She alleged, for example, that her mother kidnapped her daughter, when in fact she had taken custody of her at McCorveys urging.) Norma McCorvey, Jane Roe of Roe v. . Shes a phony, said Gonzalez, her niece Linda Tovar helping her to find elusive words. She said that she had not seen McCorvey in a year. In 1994, HarperCollins published McCorveys life story, I Am Roe. That's why they call it choice," she added. Use of this site constitutes acceptance of our User Agreement and Privacy Policy and Cookie Statement and Your California Privacy Rights. [15][17], On May 22, 2020, a documentary titled AKA Jane Roe aired on FX, describing McCorvey's life and the financial incentives to change her views on abortion. I felt all warm inside.. And she told me about the Supreme Court decision. [31][32] On January 22, 2008, McCorvey endorsed Republican presidential candidate Ron Paul because of his anti-abortion position. Norma McCorvey: The Woman Who Became RoeThen Regretted It, California's road to recovery runs through D.C. Republicans, Why New Jerseys ventilator guidelines may favor younger, whiter patients, Rhode Island ends specific restrictions on New Yorkers by making them national. She was 69. The short life of Henry McCluskey can be re-assembled from the sprawling mess inside the Dallas homenot to mention in the shed and garage, and on the back porchwhere Henrys sister, Barbara McCluskey Gouge, now lives. Young Norma McCorvey had not wanted to further a cause; she had simply wanted an abortion and could not get one in Texas. January 3, 2013 "I almost forgot i have a one thousand dollar fee," Norma McCorveyJane Roe of the landmark 1973 Supreme Court decisionwrote in a text message to Vanity Fair. (The network paid her 60 percent of 5 percent of the films gross; as of 2003, the film had earned her $10,613.) In 1988, she sought money too, teaming up with a lawyer, advertising executive, and businesswoman in Texas to produce and promote a document of historic and social importance. They intended to print up 1,000 copies of the first page of the Supreme Courts Roe decision, which McCorvey would then sign. Soon afterward, Norma granted her mother legal custody of her daughter. [8][6] She and her older brother were raised by their mother, Mary (ne Gautreaux),[9] a violent alcoholic. She also made TV ads against Obama in 2012, saying: He murders babies., She was the subject of a 1998 documentary, Roe vs Roe: Baptism by Fire, and featured in Lake of Fire (2006), a pro-choice film. McCorvey would soon dismiss Jehovah, deciding at age 14 in a state correctional school (where she was sent after running away from home) that God did not exist. https://t.co/XBwvPKmSqU. She speaks more quietly than her biological mother does, but has her same soulful eyes. Early in February 2017, Norma McCorvey the famed plaintiff "Jane Roe" in monumental U.S. Supreme Court abortion rights case Roe v. Wade was near death. After first claiming she had been gang-raped, thinking that might get her a legal abortion, and seeking an illegal one as well, she visited the Dallas lawyers Sarah Weddington and Linda Coffee. What I didnt have the guts to say was, because I know damn well were playing her.. Her father, Olin, a TV repairman, was soon gone, rarely to return. I was just the person who became Jane Roe.. All rights reserved. In the film, the Rev Schenck, after viewing McCorveys confession, confides he never heard her say anything like this but that movement leaders knew what we were doing, adding there were times when [he] was sure she knew. She couldnt have the funds to travel to California or New York for a legal abortion. Only a few hours before they spoke on the phone with Fr Frank Pavone, Norma's friend of 25 years. Connie Gonzalez, decrying homosexuality as a sin . It stars John Schneider, best known for The Dukes of Hazzard, who is a born-again Christian. A name that often evokes sadness. But Woody, she wrote, could be violent, and Norma divorced him even before the birth of their daughter, Melissa, in May of 1965. [6], Norma McCorvey died of heart failure in Katy, Texas, on February 18, 2017, at the age of 69. Norma's partner from 1970-1993. Coffee and Weddington seemed to be less interested, understandably, in the predicament of one plaintiff than in the rights of millions. "It was a game. Connie was born June 9, 1934 to Alberto and Lupe Alaniz. DALLAS - Norma McCorvey, whose legal challenge under the pseudonym "Jane Roe" led to the U.S. Supreme Court's landmark decision that legalized abortion but who later became an outspoken. She later left him after he allegedly assaulted her. Soon after, McCorvey met Connie Gonzalez. (The Wade in Roe v. Wade was Dallas County district attorney Henry Wade, the named defendant.) (Allred says that she was at no time affiliated with the foundation, adding, I wouldnt raise money for an organization and allow it to be siphoned off to an individual.) McCorvey eventually cut her ties with the Jane Roe FoundationIt didnt go anywhere, says the Texas lawyer Tom Goff, who helped create itand in 1990 she established a new one, the Jane Roe Womens Center, self-described as a multi-purpose center for low-income women, with offices in San Francisco and, later, Dallas. At 15 she was sent to live with a cousin who abused her sexually. A new documentary's portrayal of Jane Roe from the famous abortion case rings hollow to her longtime friends. She described this as the happiest time of her life. [21][22] She attempted to obtain an illegal abortion, but the recommended clinic had been closed down by authorities. She went on to describe herself as the big fish in a mutual propaganda campaign. Rearguments took place on October 11, 1972, and the court issued its ruling on January 22, 1973, effectively legalizing abortion across the U.S. by a 7-to-2 majority. Seated in a folding chair outside her home, Gonzalez puffed on a cigarette and maintained flatly that the shooting had never occurred. Dubbed Jane Roe, McCorvey sought an abortion after becoming pregnant in 1969 but was thwarted by Texas restrictive reproductive laws. In AKA Jane Roe, McCorvey offers what she calls a " deathbed. When Norma McCorvey, the anonymous plaintiff in the landmark Roe v. Wade case, came out against abortion in 1995, it stunned the world and represented a huge symbolic victory for abortion. Fridays decision arrives at a time when a signfiicant majority of Americans support abortion rights. Testifying before the Senate in 1998, she said: I am dedicated to spending the rest of my life undoing the law that bears my name. She petitioned the supreme court to undo the Roe v Wade decision, but it rejected her appeal. He broke down. Hovila was convicted of murder and died in prison. She also renounced her lesbianism, and, after the publication of her second book, Won By Love, written with Gary Thomas, in 1998, converted once again, this time to Roman Catholicism, under the auspices of Father Frank Pavone, director of Priests for Life. "[46] He later wrote, "So abortion supporters are claiming Norma McCorvey, the Jane Roe of Roe v. Wade, wasn't sincere in her conversion. (McCorvey had relationships with both men and women but self-identified as a lesbian.) Wow: Norma McCorvey (aka "Roe" of Roe v Wade) revealed on her deathbed that she was paid by right-wing operatives to flip her stance on reproductive rights. Norma told her doctor, Richard Lane, that she did not want to bring this pregnancy to term. McCorveys daughter Melissa recalls that McCorvey would introduce Connie by saying, This is my aunt, or This is my godmother, or This is my cousin.. She was 69. Cookie Policy Her mother, Mary, was physically abusive. Nonetheless, McCorvey remained all but unknown, a woman of 25, living with Gonzalez, 41, in Dallas. Pro-life leaders who knew Norma McCorvey, aka "Jane Roe" of Roe v. Wade, firmly deny they paid McCorvey to change her abortion rhetoric, as a new documentary claims. In July 2004, Gonzalez suffered her stroke. Weddington, then just 26, presented her oral arguments to the all-male Supreme Court on December 13, 1971. Her name, wrote Knight-Ridder reporter Sue Reilly, was on the lips of people like Cybill Shepherd, Gloria Steinem, Jesse Jackson, Marlo Thomas, Glenn Close, Jane Fonda and about 500,000 others amassed in support of Roe v. Wade., Accompanied by Allred, McCorvey flew to Los Angeles for a brunch at the restaurant Baci with a roomful of pro-choice activists, including Leonard Nimoy and Valerie Harper, who paid $100 a plate to attend. The truth is sadder and less tidy. ADVERTISEMENT Share this article: Who was Norma McCorvey's partner? Born Norma Nelson in Simmesport, Louisiana, she had a difficult childhood. But if they ended, like so much Scripture, in redemption, they were largely fiction, filled with sufferings she simply had not endured. Original reporting and incisive analysis, direct from the Guardian every morning. And after her adoption lawyer mentioned that he happened to know Linda Coffee, a lawyer readying to challenge the Texas laws on abortion, Norma McCorvey became Jane Roenot because she wished to see abortion legalized but because she wished to have one. [13], While working at a restaurant, Norma met Woody McCorvey (born 1940), and she married him at the age of 16 in 1963. (In an email she sent him in 2005 she called him a user and said he would no longer be her mouth-peace.) McCorvey has alienated other pro-life partners too. When she left her baby with her mother, to take a weekend trip, Mary charged her with abandonment, and soon afterwards made her sign what Norma thought were insurance papers; she had in fact agreed to let her mother adopt Melissa, and was then barred from the family home. The "now" she is referencing is in fact 2017, the year McCorvey died. The next year, McCorvey made a public plea for financial helpbecause we were hungry, as she told The Dallas Morning News. She dropped out of high school at 14, married at 16, and divorced her abusive husband . He murders babies. That Obama won re-election and will likely be able to appoint one or more pro-choice Supreme Court justices all but ensures that McCorvey will have *Roe*and Jane Roeto rail against for years to come. Pro-choice. Norma Leah Nelson McCorvey (September 22, 1947 - February 18, 2017), also known by the pseudonym "Jane Roe", was the plaintiff in the landmark American legal case Roe v. . Joshua Prager writes for publications including Vanity Fair, the New York Times and the Wall Street Journal. The district court ruled in the pairs favor but dismissed their request to stop enforcing the states old abortion laws, leading both Wade and McCorveys team to appeal the decision to the Supreme Court. Aug. 12, 1995 Norma (Jane Roe) McCorvey's sudden conversion from abortion- rights symbol to new darling of the anti-abortion movement may have shocked pro-choice leaders across the nation, but. She wore the jeans, says Taylor, if a customer was girly, the dress if she was a cute butch. Norma continued to have relationships with men too. In the film, she claims that she only campaigned for anti-abortion groups, including Operation Rescue which is now known as Operation Save America, because they were paying her. He is writing a book about Roe v. Wade. Norma grew up in a poverty-stricken home as the younger of two siblings. Their friend Susanne Ashworth was inclined to agree. The documentary, called AKA Jane Roe, showing on FX, explores McCorveys tumultuous upbringing that entailed incidents of alleged abuse and neglect. She subsequently gave the child up for adoption. McCorvey gained notoriety with the help of evangelical Christian leaders like Operation Rescues founders the Rev Flip Benham and the Rev Rob Schenck. She did not want the child. They were quickly a couple, two strong, gay women from underprivileged families. Three months later, in January 1973, the justices handed down the decision that has altered Americas political landscape. Behind that is a real person with a real story. She left him and gave birth to a daughter, Melissa, in 1965. "[43] According to tax documents, McCorvey received at least $450,000 from anti-abortion groups during her years as an activist. Roe is undoubtedly the most familiar legal ruling in the minds of most Americansnot for nothing did Katie Couric ask Sarah Palin in a 2008 interview to cite any Supreme Court case except that one. Reception to follow. The ashes of her father, in a blue-glass urn, sat beside figurines of Jesus and J.F.K. Their needs were specific. (Norma McCorvey) gives a masterful, sustained . But a failed marriage at 16 left her with a child she did not want. McCorvey was 22 and pregnant for the third time when in 1969 she sought an abortion, then illegal under Texas law except when necessary to save the mothers life. Five months pregnant at the time, McCorvey seemed a perfect plaintiff. Mary now suffers from dementia. "In her first book, the 1994 autobiography, I Am Roe, McCorvey wrote of her sexual orientation. Norma McCorvey McCorvey in 1989 Born Norma Leah Nelson (1947-09-22)September 22, 1947 Simmesport, Louisiana, U.S. Died February 18, 2017(2017-02-18)(aged 69) Katy, Texas, U.S. Other names Jane Roe Known for Plaintiff in Roe v. Wade, 410 U.S. 113 (1973); anti-abortion activist Spouse Elwood McCorvey (m. 1963-1965) Partner She gave her baby girl up for adoption, and now that baby is an adult. I was good at it, too.. First reported by Politico in early May, the draft represented a full-throated, unflinching repudiation of Roe, according to reporters Josh Gerstein and Alexander Ward. Suddenly, Jane Roe became Norma McCorvey, the real-life woman who was one of the most famous plaintiffs in history. This past November, McCorvey received $1,000 to appear in a Florida television ad paid for by Randall Terry, the founder of Operation Rescue, who ran (unsuccessfully) as an independent for election to the U.S. House of Representatives from Florida. In August, in Garland, Texas, Benham baptized McCorvey in the backyard swimming pool of a member of his congregation. At 16 she left school and was working as a waitress when she met and married a sheet-metal worker, Woody McCorvey. It was Roe v. Roe. Hers was not a happy household. We werent able to guarantee her anonymity. Also, the pregnancy could not be too far along or the issue might be moot before the case was filed. She agreed that, then as now, she was repelled by her daughters sexuality. Soon after giving birth a third time, as Roe v. Ezra Millers Messiah Delusions: Inside. "Connie has taken care of me in . "She knew that she was dying," said Allan Parker, a public interest attorney who served as her legal counsel for 12 years. But then, she exhibited few symptoms. There was something else in it for McCorvey, something practical. McCorvey is dead, and AKA Jane Roe frames itself as her final. Norma McCorvey, right, who died in 2017, describes herself in the documentary as the big fish in a mutual propaganda campaign. Rather, Allred told a reporter for the Los Angeles Herald Examiner later that year, the funds had gone directly to McCorvey; the amount was never disclosed. After giving birth to a daughter in 1965, she began struggling with drug and alcohol abuse, eventually relinquishing custody to her mother (though whether she did so voluntarily is up for debate). I feel a womans got the right to choose. And she said, Well, Im Jane Roe. And I said, Yeah, and Im the pope., McCorvey started publicizing her story in the 1980s, advocating for the right to choose. But, Mary said, it was Normas drinking and drug use that rendered her unfit to raise a child. Norma has never been able to do the right thing, says her daughter, Melissa. She began to see me as someone who could help her work things out. The two began talking about their pasts and then about the Bible. But right awayinstantly, Benham recallsMcCorvey would come over and ask us to pray for her . She told her birth mother that she "would never, ever thank her for not aborting me". McCorvey concedes in her first book that, while Mary was raising Melissa, she herself was raising Cainabusing drugs and alcohol, and sleeping with a string of women. As Gloria Allred points out, Its a career choice as well. After resigning her position at A Choice for Women and shuttering her second foundation, McCorvey helped to create a new Texas nonprofit, Roe No More Ministry, devoted to undoing all she had previously stood for. In May of 1969, months before meeting Norma McCorvey, McCluskey filed a suit taking aim at an anti-sodomy law in Texas. Before long, says Benham, they were calling one another Flipper and Miss Norma. In July, McCorvey accepted Jesus as her savior. About Connie Gonzales. And, she says, evangelical religion provided Norma with something the pro-choice movement could not: the comfort of absolute truth. Roe continued on to the Supreme Court, oral arguments being heard in December 1971. For years she also maintained publicly that the Roe pregnancy was the result of . | She added, This issue is the only thing I live for. The 69-year-old, who had been ill for some. The supreme courts decision, by a 7-2 majority, did not come until January 1973. [14] Her doctor, Richard Lane, suggested that she consult Henry McCluskey, an adoption lawyer in Dallas. She was the daughter of Olin Julius Nelson, a World War II veteran and a television repairman from Texas . From the New York Times - May 22, 2020 By Michelle Goldberg , Opinion Columnist In 2006, I went to Jackson, Miss., to report on the weeklong siege of the state's last abortion clinic by the anti-abortion group Operation Save America. During her third pregnancy, McCorvey hoped to get an abortion. Shes a little bit of an orphan.. And she has played Jane Roe every which way, venturing far from the original script to wring a living from the issue that has come to define her existence. I told her I was going to take [Melissa] if she didnt straighten out, she said. I wish I knew how many abortions Donald Trump was responsible for, she quipped in the scene. I helped Norma create and run Roe No More Ministries. Subsequent cases have made it clear that the Supreme Court majority in favor of abortion rights has been eroding, from 7 to 2 in Roe to 5 to 4 in cases decided in more recent years (with the majority deciding against abortion rights in a number of cases). Gouge says that her brother left behind 149 clients. [13] She voiced remorse for her part in the Supreme Court decision and said she had been a pawn for abortion activists. Norma Leah Nelson was born on September 22, 1947, in Simmesport, Louisiana. [6] Soon after, she began identifying as a lesbian. For many years, she had lived quietly in Dallas with her long-time partner, Connie Gonzales. Gonzalez's current whereabouts are unclear, but her former lover McCorvey died at an assisted living home in Katy, Texas in February 2017. McCorvey vowed to do things differently. Peace. And in the decades since the Roe decision divided the country, the issue of abortion divided McCorvey too. Destructive 'Super Pigs' From Canada Threaten the Northern U.S. Did an Ancient Magnetic Field Reversal Cause Chaos for Life on Earth 42,000 Years Ago? McCorvey was arrested on the first day of U.S. Senate hearings for the confirmation to the Supreme Court of the United States of Sonia Sotomayor after McCorvey and another protester began shouting during Senator Al Franken's opening statement. Norma McCorvey, known as Jane Roe in the US Supreme Court's decision on Roe v Wade, shocked the country in 1995 when she came out against abortion. Co-author Andy Meisler, who would later write three guides to the X-Files television show, does not recall what McCorvey received as an advance, but he says that it was not a fortune: When I knew her, she was cashing checks at the 7-Eleven. Meisler met with Norma at her home a few times over the course of a year and did not doubt the accuracy of her account. Norma Leah McCorvey, campaigner, born 22 September 1947; died 18 February 2017, Plaintiff known as Jane Roe in the groundbreaking 1973 US legal case over the right to abortion, Original reporting and incisive analysis, direct from the Guardian every morning. Gonzalez had lost her. [41][42], Robert Schenck, a formerly anti-abortion evangelical pastor who worked with McCorvey, verified the claim made in the documentary of McCorvey receiving financial compensation. And she could not afford to travel to any of the six states where abortion was legal: Alaska, California, Hawaii, New York, Oregon, and Washington. [6][24] In 1983, McCorvey told the press that she had been raped; in 1987, she said the rape claim was untrue. The pair began dating, and soon afterward McCorvey moved in with Gonzalez. By the time the court ruled on Roe, McCorveys pregnancy had long since ended. Norma McCorvey (Jane Roe in Roe v. Wade) is dead. People in Normas corner were upset, too. McCorveys lawyers had never mentioned an alleged rape in court, and it formed no part of their legal argument. Norma McCorvey was 21 and living in Dallas in 1969 when she became pregnant for the third time. Approached last fall at another facility, in Dallas, she clutched the silver arms of a wheelchair with her hands, veins prominent under slack skin. She was paid", "Plaintiff in Roe v. Wade U.S. abortion case says she was paid to switch sides", "How the Anti-Abortion Movement Is Responding to Jane Roe's 'Deathbed Confession', "The 'painful journey' of Jane Roe and the pro-life movement", "Pro-lifers betrayed their cause by treating Norma McCorvey, 'Jane Roe,' as less than fully human", Norma McCorvey speaking at the 1998 March for Life, https://en.wikipedia.org/w/index.php?title=Norma_McCorvey&oldid=1140226874, 20th-century American non-fiction writers, Activists for African-American civil rights, Converts to Protestantism from atheism or agnosticism, Converts to Roman Catholicism from Evangelicalism, Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike License 3.0, This page was last edited on 19 February 2023, at 02:18. Melissa ; she had simply wanted an abortion January 22, 2008, McCorvey made a public plea financial. Norma with something the pro-choice movement could not be too far along or the issue might be moot before case. 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