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300 contradictions in the bible

Matthew says: See our foundational essay on copyist errors for general background. Was John the Baptist Elijah who was to come? Amen [ROM 15:33], And Jacob begat Joseph the husband of Mary, of whom was born Jesus, who is called Christ. (2 Samuel 10:18, NIV), But they fled before Israel, and David killed seven thousand of their charioteers and forty thousand of their foot soldiers. (Matthew 26:39; Mark 14:36; Luke 22:42). Thats just one of many, many errors. A more likely scenario, however, is that this is yet another case of scribal error, evidenced commonly with numbers. The problems with textual integrity in the Bible. Answer: Once again there is enough information in the context of these two passages to tell us that 8 is wrong and 18 right. He just completes it. Blessed are ye that weep now: for ye shall laugh. Get the answers to frequently asked questions on Christian beliefs and practices. 33:23], And the Lord spoke to Moses face to face, as a man speaketh to his friend. [Ex. In other words, we dont even know if these people were anointed from GOD Almighty or not, because we dont have any evidence that the letters found that make up the Bible today were officially written by men. The reason is simple. (Psalm 103:10, ESV). Biblical Contradiction: Will Adulterers Be Punished? If the original manuscripts had been lost, then what makes you be so sure that trinity is the correct conclusion? The Quran praises the Bible, and scholars verify the Bibles authenticity. Biblical Contradiction: Can Woman Be Divorced From Her Husband? [MAR 9:40], And Jesus said unto him, Forbid him not: for he that is not against us is for us. Learn about Cru's global leadership team. But does not man call to mind that We created him before out of nothing? (19:67, Yusuf Ali). He prayed in this way my will is you protect me from disbelievers and if your will is to let me die in their hands, your will only should be done.. Did it happen once or twice? By religion and surrender at the end of the day when you are struggling with your self Allah and Muhammad cannot do anything for you. (b) God decided that the life-span of humans will be limited to 120 years (Genesis 6:3) (a) Twenty-four thousand (Numbers 25:1 and 9), (b) Twenty-three thousand (I Corinthians 10:8). 5. The Mosaic Law, Original Sin and Blood Atonement. Jihad (Fighting for the Cause of GOD Almighty) started with the Bible! Ted Haggard and Benny Hinn. Rabbits do not bring up anything; they let it go all the way through, then eat it again. 8) The chief of the mighty men of David lifted up his spear and killed how many men at one time? For example: The one who sins is the one who will die. And this guy? Is the Bible inerrant? How did Simon Peter find out that Jesus was the Christ? Talk to a close friend or your pastor about Scripture that youre struggling with. And out of the ground the LORD God formed every beast of the field, and every fowl of the air; and brought them unto Adam to see what he would call them: and whatsoever Adam called every living creature, that was the name thereof. 508 answers to Bible questions: with answers to seeming Bible contradictions / M. R. DeHaan. Books and articles that equip you for deeply biblical thinking and ministry. always crying and running. In fact he is alive and is with the God and will come back to earth before last days. Responding to Answering-Islams (wildcats) debate Review. Did anyone tell the women what happened to Jesus body? When sinners come to Him, he forgives them. I only want to present the truth, what I found. Why is the Bible virtually silent about Jesus youth years? Where was Jesus three days after his baptism? In other words, it is ok to ask questions. Helping students know Jesus, grow in their faith and go to the world to tell others. Both kings and chronicles say ahaziah was 22 years old when he began his reign. Heres a photo of the footnote on the page from my personal copy of the NIV Thompson Chain Reference study Bible. A careful reading shows that there is approximately a 30-year difference between the two claims. Jesus was never disfigured beyond human recognition in the New Testament as the Old Testament predicted! The Problem. 2 Chronicles 22:2 tells us that Ahaziah was 42 years old when he began to reign. Is Salvation really obtained through Jesus in the New Testament? In the 18th century, Thomas Paine in The Age of Reason compiled many of the Bible's self-contradictions. However in the Aramaic translation of this inscription discovered at the Elephantine in Egypt, the number of prisoners was only 6,972. Why? The most likely reason for this is a copyist error. In Matthews version, the withering happens immediately after Jesus curses it (Matt. Blessed are ye that hunger now: for ye shall be filled. In Joshua 10, it is the king of Jerusalem that is killed: his city is not captured (verses 16-18 and 22-26). The Dream Bible: The Definitive Guide To Over 300 Dream Symbols. The 3 Oldest Manuscripts Containing the Corrupted Greek New Testament.. (Matthew 28:8, New International Version), When they came back from the tomb, they told all these things to the Eleven and to all the others. This is not to hurt anyones feelings. You cannot see God by works In other words you cannot speak about jesus or the bible if you have never have an encounter with Jesus Christ? 13:14], Now go and smite Amalek, and utterly destroy all that they have, and spare them not, but slay both man and woman, infant and suckling. [1 Samuel 15:3], The Lord is very pitiful and of tender mercy. [James 5:11], For his mercy endureth forever. [1 Chron. Or will thou flee three months before thine enemies, while they pursue. agrees with the Quran on the Bibles corruption! Ball, et al., available for nine dollars from the American Atheist Press, P.O. IT DID NOT PASS ANY TEST,PEOPLE ARE BRAINWASHED TO BELIEVE, LOOK AT EUROPE CHURCHES ARE BEING SOLD BECAUSE CHRISTIANS THERE EITHER BECAME MUSLIMS OR ATHIESTS. Contradictions In The New Testament That Have No Good Answer. you are either muslim or lost there is no third option? No special Biblical knowledge needed. And God created great whales, and every living creature that moveth, which the waters brought forth abundantly, after their kind, and every winged fowl after his kind: and God saw that it was good. You are biblically illiterate. Good day! [JOH 18:27], Then said Saul unto his armourbearer, Draw thy sword, and thrust me through therewith; lest these uncircumcised come and thrust me through, and abuse me. Ezekiel 18:20. Lets take a look at these passages and see if they really contradict. Faith Founded on Fact also participates in affiliate programs with Bluehost, Clickbank, CJ, ShareASale, and other sites. I have very good Christian friends and some of them are converted Christians. Rebuttal to Sam Shamouns Article Thomass Confession My Lord and my God!'. (Acts 2:14-39). Web101 Contradictions In The Bible pdf version by Desolution Or something else? That is, if you do not believe in BIBLE PROPHECY. It is all bs.An immortal zombie,that was his own dad,whose mother was a pregnant virgin,gave birth to god?Zombies,the living dead,is worshipped as a god?The relevant conclusion is that mankind is deluding himself.This does mankind no good.RTeligion is the excuse,to hate on people without a reason. 3. From the Islamic Awareness web site. Also, the Greek word for the first occurrence of God is hotheos which means the God or God with a capital G, while the Greek word for its second occurrence is tontheos, which means a god or god with a small g. Its having a Godmother and Godfather present for the baptism of a child. In Quran is written that the Bible and thora are from God sent, and if a muslim has any question about his belief, he should ask the Christians and jews, because their scripture will confirm the islam and the prophet. 6) How old was Jehoiachin when he became King of Jerusalem? Christianitys critics cast doubt on the New Testaments reliability by pointing out disparities in the Gospels. While this charge would explain the differences between the Quran and the Bible, the allegation has no credible evidence. David begins bringing the Ark to Jerusalem, but only gets as far as the threshing floor of Kidon after the tragic death of Uzzah. Yet these may ye eat of every flying creeping thing that goeth upon all four, which have legs above their feet, to leap withal upon the earth; Is circumcision allowed or not allowed in the Bible? The age of 8 is unusually young to assume governmental leadership. Learn how you can know God personally. 2) In that count, how many fighting men were found in Israel? The disagreement between the Noble Quran and Bible about some historical events does not disprove Islam. eBay item number: 314416786982. Another commentator says the number is really 300 contradictions in the Bible. Who was the tenth disciple of Jesus in the list of twelve? here you are sir? This verse shows that the earth is stable. The passage from the Book of Matthew takes place after Jesus came into the world. Thus Saul died (I Samuel 31:4-6), (b) An Amalekite slew him (2 Samuel 1:1- 16), (a) Yes. [GAL 6:5], Answer not a fool according to his folly, lest thou also be like unto him [PRO 26:4], Answer a fool according to his folly, lest he be wise in his own conceit. It is far less likely that the copyist would have mistakenly seen an extra ten stroke that was not present in his original then that he would have failed to observe one that had been smudged. Find resources for personal or group Bible study. So if were going to use our God-given mind to love God, shouldnt we look at what we believe? So his chief from 30 years prior would -by that time- have been replaced by a younger warrior. This puts well-meaningbut often unpreparedChristians in a difficult position of trying to reconcile these potential inconsistencies. What are the advantages of becoming a Muslim? It might seem like Jesus defies the idea of honoring parents and says that you should oppose your family members. The death spoken of in Genesis 2:17 is the second death mentioned in our list, that of complete separation from God, while the death mentioned in Genesis 5:5 is the first death, a physical death which ends our present life. God struck them with a plague. Then your Father, who sees what is done in secret, will reward you. (NIV) [Matt 6:3-4], He that is not with me is against me; and he that gathereth not with me scattereth abroad. Solomon built a facility containing how many baths? We see also Matthew omitting details in the story of the centurions servant. I went from being a Christian thinking the Bible was the inerrant word of God to thinking God was a horrible person after what I read in the Bible and not being able to reconcile all the contradictions and God sounding like an angry abusive dad and Jesus sounding like the nice version, to where I am nowpeace. If you want to know anything about the word of God humble your self , repent and ask Jesus to reveal him self to you. According to the ESV Study Bible, The difference is probably due not to a discrepancy in the original manuscripts but to a scribal error in the later transmission of the text of either book. As noted earlier in this article, the original manuscripts of the Bible do not contain errors. Now therefore kill every male among the little ones, and kill every woman, But all the women children keep alive for yourselves. 5) How old was Ahaziah when he began to rule over Jerusalem? In the Exodus passage, God was forming His new nation, the Israelites, setting up rules and laws that were meant to keep people safe and be just. Jesus is my lord and savior actually CONTRADICTS the Old Testament. Some Muslims believe that in the Taurat there is reference to the prophecy which the Quran speaks of in Sura 7:157 and 61:6 concerning Muhammad. Inside the tattered cover, Ive read both comforting words and passages that felt difficult; they just didnt make sense. [JOH 14:28], And God made the beast of the earth after his kind, and cattle after their kind, and every thing that creepeth upon the earth after his kind: and God saw that it was good. A serious forgery in Luke 24:44-48 about Jesus resurrection on the third day claiming that it was foretold in the OT when it wasnt! and never met with him? I know you guys hate the truth. Blessed are the meek: for they shall inherit the earth Confirmation of this type of copyist error is found in various pagan writers as well. From reading Luke, it would be easy to make the argument that the Sermon on the Mount is a compilation of Christs teachings. Those originals, however, because of the early date of their inception no longer exist., Because we are dealing with accounts which were written thousands of years ago, we would not expect to have the originals in our possession today, as they would have disintegrated long ago. (b) The magicians did the same (Exodus 7:22). Ironically Adam being thrown out of the garden of Eden is also mentioned in the Quran (Sura 2:36), though there is no reason for this to happen, if (as Muslims believe) Adam had been forgiven for his sin. Did Jesus love to die for the sins of the world ?? The child will not share the guilt of the parent, nor will the parent share the guilt of the child. shit in shit out, CHristians read this that is why they are the most perverted people on earth, you can be a porn star and a christian priest at the same time. [GEN 30:39], It is he that sitteth upon the circle of the earth, and the inhabitants thereof are as grasshoppers; that stretcheth out the heavens as a curtain, and spreadeth them out as a tent to dwell in: [ISA 40:22], Again, the devil taketh him up into an exceeding high mountain, and sheweth him all the kingdoms of the world, and the glory of them [MAT 4:8]. And they (disbelievers) plotted to kill Isa (Jesus), and Allah plotted too. Biblical Contradiction: Signs Of a True Believer According to Jesus? These are a thousand clear, irrefutable Biblical verses which totally go against each other in contradiction. (a) Adam ate the fruit and went on to live to a ripe old age of 930 years (Genesis 5:5) Chapter 2: Christian Proof Texts (Jeremiah 8:8). For example in the Behistun rock inscription set up by Darius 1, we find that number 38 gives the figure for the slain of the army of Frada as 55,243, with 6,572 prisoners, according to the Babylonian column. run run run, I have made this post 10 years ago. [JOH 13:38], Peter then denied again: and immediately the cock crew. This is an apparent contradiction that frequently is thrown in the face of Christians who believe we have an inspired Bible. Before the feast of the Passover (John 1) Judas went out at night (John 13:30). [PSA 145:9], And I will dash them one against another, even the fathers and the sons together, saith the LORD: I will not pity, nor spare, nor have mercy, but destroy them. And the little owl, and the cormorant, and the great owl, Now lets look at 1 Chronicles 13 and 14. Friends,this is the matter of salvation. Answer: This isnt really a contradictioneven if Jesus did think this, it would only be an errorbut well let it slide. Fill in your details below or click an icon to log in: You are commenting using your account. 2- False claims and clear contradictions: The Bibles English translations are all different and corrupted. The Bible has not been written by God himself. The pagan trintarian christians LIES of amazing prophecies of certain events and more. Then we can further discuss on various topics , let me known if you are interested. A Look At Some of the Prophecies of the New Testament. The family fled nowhere. Paul nullified and contradicted the point of Baptism. Seek God your self and stop believing in none sence. Refuting Sam Shamouns Consummation VS Abrogation lies! Why I lost faith in the Bible,, Somebody else rounded off to a nice even 1000 Bible Contradictions here. Jesus killed his enemies when he was strong and they were weak. When it comes to the New Testament, there are two criticisms that have been used for years, and often at the same time. On the contrary, they give us a richer, deeper, and clearer glimpse at the mystery of Christ. Debunking another Christian myth. Jesus has authority over the law, as explained in the previous section. Its no surprise to them. But it is possible for you to put Jesus first in your life while still showing respect for your family members and obeying your parents good guidance. And the Lord repented that he had made Saul King over Israel (I Samuel 15:35). The Reason Why There Are Different Gospel Authors According to Christians. Wouldnt this contradict his many references to a God in Heaven that sent him? And the Lord turned, and looked upon Peter. And we have lots of handwritten copies of Old Testament books and New Testament books. According to Islam, why did GOD Almighty allow for the Bible to get corrupted? The only purpose of swords or guns is to maim and to kill. What were the words of the second prayer? This is what happens when they dont teach history at a yeshiva. (By Karim), Jesus crucifixion and the end of the World. At times, Ive kept turning the pages, moving on instead of working through my confusion. [] See also 1000 contradictions in the bible So, the bible is full of contradictions and isn't reliable. The only discrepancy is that there is no Sun or Moon or stars on the first three days. Gen 6:6 2. How can you say things are contradictions when you have no foundation to work from? 2. Stop making all of this things up about the bible you dont even know. This is often the same crowd that insists theirs is the ONLY possible interpretation (i.e. He raised his spear against 300 men at the beginning of Davids reign. Jehoiachin was eighteen years old when he began to reign, and he reigned in Jerusalem three months. He did not speak to them without a parable, but privately to his own disciples he explained everything (Mark 4:34). If Ahaziah were 42, he would have been older than his own father. (1 Chronicles 19:18, NIV). all rights reserved for: I find this entertaining, especially for those who decide what ISNT to be taken as other than the absolute WORD OF GODwhich just happens to agree with the particular thing they happen to want.. There was more there than This is used when one verse says there was a and another says there was b, so they decide there was a AND bwhich is said nowhere. Animals 6. (a) By a revelation from heaven (Matthew 16:17), (b) His brother Andrew told him (John 1:41). [JER 13:14], The LORD is a man of war: the LORD is his name. And these men have two different names and come from two different families. Matthias was chosen by a coin flip, and the legalization of gambling! $27.99. Does Ahaziahs regnal age or Jehoiachins regnal age change some important doctrine of the Bible? peace and friendship to u too Which Book is the People of the Books? It would have made the entry to Jerusalem easier if the mother donkey were led along down the road, as the foal would naturally follow her, even though he had never before carried a rider and had not yet been trained to follow a roadway. II : wherein the sacred text is inserted, and various readings annexd, together with the parallel scriptures : the more difficult terms in each verse are explained, The third edition, with the addition of a new concordance and tables, by Mr. Sam. The wife, on the other hand, might tell you, We planted rosebushes, talked to our friends Jarrid and Allie (who they ran into at the store), and got into an argument (because the husband ordered a milkshake even though hes lactose intolerant)., These two stories dont represent discrepancies; they highlight differences in perspective. [Matthew 1:6-16] and [Luke 3:23-31]. For many centuries before the printing press was invented, the only way to make copies was by hand. Apologists often call Biblical contradictions Biblical difficulties . Detailed History of Corruption and Pagan Origins of the Bible. What was the color of the robe placed on Jesus during his trial? Which son of Zerubbabel was an ancestor of Jesus Christ? If you want to understand the holy scriptures humble your self and repent of your sins. Thats why you are so confused and believe that being a Muslim will take you in heaven. God sent his prophet to threaten David with how many years of famine? Where the word allah comes from? And they brought the colt to Jesus and threw their garments on it; and he sat upon it. You can find this when Jesus is tempted in the desert. It helps to seek out other places in Scripture, in this case, verses like 2 Timothy 1:9, to see what message the entire Bible supports. The reconciler of the Bible enlarged: wherein above three thousand seeming contradictions throughout the Old and New Testament are fully and plainly reconciled / by J. T. and T. M. .. London: Printed for Simon Miller , 1662. I am from India please find my email id : [emailprotected]. I have found it not to be. Is fornication with non-virgin girls allowed in the Old Testament? Amen! 25:14 30; Lk. Read about individuals who have been transformed by faith. That is why the majority of Iranians hate Arabs just because of this invasion. Examining Pauls Divorcement Law on Christian Women. Part III. The New Testament confirms the Apocalypse of Peter which claims that Jesus never died on the cross! This, however, in no way negates the authenticity nor the authority of the scriptures which we have. Congratulation for presenting a well researched and detailed report on the abrogation and corruption of bible. [MAT 28:2-5], And entering into the sepulcher, they saw a young man sitting on the right side, clothed in a long white garment; and they were affrighted. (different list from the ones above). The child will not share the guilt of the parent, nor will the parent share the guilt of the child. This is a true contradiction because for one of these sentences to be true the other has to be false. But there are some indications that she was quite young. (a) Yes, so Joseph fled with him to Egypt and stayed there until Herod died (Matthew 2:13 23), (b) No. Paul literally allowed lying! link to Happy Fathers Day Godfather Quotes. (Islam) and peace is for the followers of the truth and no peace with out submitting to the will of the creator who created us from nothing. It only makes sense to correct the numerals once the scribal error has been noted. The contradictionists embarrass themselves again and again. Volunteer abroad this year on a short term global missions trip offered by one of the best, most-reliable Christian missions organizations in the world. Did John the Baptist recognize Jesus after his baptism? Refutation to the lie about the New Testaments events were documented by historians. I hate the assembly of evildoers, and I will not sit with the wicked. The Bible does not tell us exactly how old Mary was when she gave birth to Jesus. The contradictionists are sloppy and factually wrong. WebContradictions in the Bible. There are many liberal scholars who mock these dramatic differences between the four biblical gospels, since they do not represent the same consistent larger story, the same meanings, and are not told in uniform language and This is one of those places where its really awkward to be a contradictionist. And the men which journeyed with him stood speechless, hearing a voice, but seeing no man. Christ is the same yesterday,today and forever hhhhh do you mean Jesus gave the brutal orders in the old testament? Remember, no one was standing around Jesus with a tape recorder. The Alpha and Omega doesnt even exist in the original Bibles! [MAT 26:74-75], And Peter said, Man, I know not what thou sayest. It intrigues me that a Muslim, such as yourself, believes that Gods word can be corrupted. Rabbits do eat their own dung; they do not bring anything up and chew on it. And Jehoiakim was cursed by God so that none of his descendants can sit upon Davids throne (Jeremiah 36:30). Rebuttal to Sam Shamouns Article The Challenge of Mark 16. Self-contradictions of the Bible/William Henry Burr; with an introduction by R. Joseph Hoffmann. Then the women bought and prepared spices so that they may go and anoint him [Jesus) (Mark 16: 1), (a) After the Sabbath was past (Mark 16:1), (b) Before the Sabbath. But if you look deeper into their context, you see that they actually support each other and the larger story being told throughout the Bible. 4:3839). If we expect that each other gospel writers are going to give us Jesus words verbatim, were holding the gospels to a historical standard that no other historical document would be able to meetclassical or modern. And immediately the cock crew. Bible Problems: Contradictions, Factual Errors, and Evil Moral Teachings in the. One concerned the spelling of proper names, and the other had to do with numbers., Most Christians will affirm that the Bible is our rule of faith and practice. For they are foolishness to him, and he cannot understand them, because they are spiritually discerned. It has to be understood in context I find this amusing because it comes from the same crowd that likes to push likewise extracted verses that support their particular view. Be sure its in line with the Bible. It is the word of Man, who where inspired by God. Second day: Jesus went to Galilee two more disciples. The scene in the Garden says so. Although both religions are far from the origin, at least Christians dont hurt or kill anyone like Muslims. The Dream Bible: The Definitive Guide To Over 300 Dream Symbols. See Also Deuteronomy 31:25-29 where Moses peace be upon him predicted the corruption/tampering of the Law (Bible) after his death. When David defeated the King of Zobah, how many horsemen did he capture? And in this new tribe, He is calling His followers to be governed by a higher law, one of radical love for even our enemies. Bring up anything ; they let it slide and threw their garments on it ; and he sat it. His descendants can sit upon Davids throne ( Jeremiah 36:30 ) David lifted up his spear killed!, today and forever hhhhh do you mean Jesus gave the brutal orders the... ( b ) the chief of the mighty men of David lifted his! Converted Christians would explain the differences between the Noble Quran and Bible about some historical events does not disprove.... 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300 contradictions in the bible