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coworker constantly sniffing

And that's because your coworker might not even know that she likes you yet. Im just glad this is a common enough problem that most hotels use unscented products to wash their linens or Id have to travel with a sleeping bag. {Imagine you are in a burning house and if you dont get out in the next 10 minutes, you will pass out from the smoke and/or get burned. We used to talk and be cordial but I cant even say hello to her anymore because Im afraid if I look at her stupid face Ill punch her. * Supplements can seep through skin causing prominent body odors. I may be slightly fixated on that part because I have an unheated detached garage and it snowed last night. If the smell lasts too long, my headache can turn into a full-blown migraine. Vaguely mentioning allergies does not communicate the issue that someone has brought to you as her supervisor: that her constant sniffing is distracting her coworkers. Yes, I think this is a big difference too. It got escalated to HR and we were asked to be mindful of this persons needs. Theres some racism that goes along with smells (often related to food or different body odors). OK, thats fine and I can handle that. From what Ive read, it seems that if this happened to me I would have to spend several hundred dollars replacing every toiletry and all laundering supplies in my home, wash everything I own multiple times and most likely get all coats and heavy fabrics dry cleaned, and even THEN the coworker may still not be happy with my potential scent. So yeah, I *need* to have my scented stuff going at home regularly to keep my home smelling decent (and Ive had people say that most of the time its actually great!) Yep. There's no need for you to take it any further. But she is still complaining and making snarky, belittling comments that seem out of place in a professional workplace. Even the most proper person has burped and sniffed on occasion; because these are common bodily functions, it's impossible to completely avoid doing them. Wow. At this point, it seems to me that her behavior is/is verging on (whichever seems most appropriate to you) workplace bullying, and I am concerned. Then see what Boss says, and go from there. All day every day. Its kind to cut out scent free hygiene products, but at a certain point the coworker is going to have to just deal with it. I believe it also has been done with similar results for people of color. Oh absolutely, Id figure thats part of the process, but it could still help get rid of some smells, assuming the vinegar smell washes out after . I have found literally one laundry detergent that doesnt make me break out in hives. up. The friend I was travelling with very kindly loaned me a clean T-short and knickers, which did not end well. Just because she can smell something doesnt mean its bothering her. Note to commenters:There have been loads of suggestions below for additional ways the letter-writer could tackle potential scents and stamp them out. If your coworkers life-threatening allergy is just to high concentrations of scents, thats pretty easy to address by asking colleagues not to wear scented products. It doesnt smell anything like pee, but reminds me of the smell all the same. Should I say something? I'm glad she's miserable about being single. I remember wanting to scoop my eyeballs out in classes or long, multi-hour exams with chronic snifflers, even though I have a chronic low-grade sinus infection Ive struggled to treat my entire life. I also wonder if those smells are lingering in your home as wellmattress pad? It is not a matter of simply not liking something. If a coworker takes your idea and uses it as though they came up with it, without . Either way, this isnt OPs issue to resolve, and OP has already done whats reasonable to do. Your tissue box might get a little lonely, So, since theres no history of odor-complaints it sounds like Coworker found a bone to pick with LW and will exhaustively harp on any smell coming from her. Occasionally I feel like I can smell the soap my first boyfriend used, and it still makes me feel on edge (the relationship was, unfortunately, abusive). That said, I do have scented shampoo because there are like 3 on the market that are unscented, most of which I cant afford. I will sometimes start to smell a certain scent that I associate heavily with a person when Im on the phone with him. Manners Mentor, Inc.: Bodily Noise Etiquette Really! How To Deal With A Coworker That's Interested In You Possibly the only personal anecdote less interesting than a story about a dream you had, that doesn't involve the listener. Advertising on our site helps support our mission. Just dont what? She has the option to politely manage this scenario and isnt. Allergies suck man. It just may turn out that you can tell her to kick rocks if she just has a personal preference and its not a sensitivity at all. It's best left up to the manager. She needs a personal air filter, and to leave the OP alone. As someone who works in construction and is used to being around a bunch of sweaty smelly coworkers, I find myself wondering the following and hope someone can help me out: At what point is asking someone to be accommodating too much? thanks! Please cut it out.). Blech! They should only be sniffing when you give them their release word (like "Break" or "Ok"). Same. :(. You smell something you associate with your Grans house and if you loved her, then its great, but if she was a nasty horrid person and hit you, you might remember that. Because you sniffle 24/7 and you dont ever even try to blow your fucking nose.. My sister had a theory that putting patchouli on the soles of her feet somehow cleansed the impurities out of her system. Other sniffle-inducers include growths and anatomical issues, such as: Chronic sinus infections. People cant go through life expecting to never have to encounter faint scents.. Are they the only three people in the workplace? Taking credit for your ideas. Psychosomatic reactions to various triggers, including scents, are pretty well documented. It helps keep dye from washing out of fabric, but it can also set a stain instead of removing it. Its not like youre shoving incense sticks up her nostrils. Shame and guilt. And the OP is herself sensitive to chemical smells, so the Febreeze would be harming herself. Ive been thinking of the letter recently about the ultra-allergic-to-cats coworker. I was going to suggest this. Jane says it smells like patchouli. Making Jane smell your purse or sleeves every time she complains about it should put an end to whatever offense she is imagining. Maybe that really is whats going on here. She refuses to move. I think Ive only asked someone once to stop wearing her perfume (I only worked in that office a few days a month so I figured she could maybe just not wear it those days, and she generally didnt after that which I really appreciated.) My husband is quite sensitive to smell and he uses it so I thought it would be okay. I want to clarify that my But I agree that patchouli is one.of.those.smells. line meant that most will either love it or hate it as evidenced by our two opinions here. I dont know if its the food they eat (not curry or garlic) or what, but they smell like Home Country when they visit America. Youre being triggered, I think, by something that upset and nauseated you throughout your childhood. I cant stand it. Because burping and sniffing are minor offenses, the employee will likely receive a minor form of discipline, such as verbal warning. Youve done more than most people would. . Offensive even. If the co-worker keeps complaining, Id see if maybe someone else in the office can do a smell check to see if anyone else notices and can back you up if theres a complaint that day. This co-worker is handling things very immaturely, but patchouli is a big red flag. It's really annoying. Yeah, youre not alone in wondering this. I find scents in my own home to very relaxing I would do what I can not to bring them into work, but I cannot control for another person never coming into contact with a fragrance molecule to this degree. So while your ailment might be legitimate, running from the room or suddenly grabbing your forehead when you smell someone these behaviors ARE going to seem rude and you might have to accept that and live with being known as rude. Skinless chicken breast with salt and pepper and grilled on a George Forman grill so tastes like bugger all else? It's a tell-tale sign that your coworker wants a relationship outside of work. Im sure she thinks that the scent is gone I have no doubt about her sincerity and Im also pretty sure Id be able to tell on the Monday if shed worn patchouli that weekend. It seems that the OP has taken a lot of measures to make sure that the coworker is comfortable. OP has done put in a ton of effort to alleviate the smell. Im worried that there might be an underlying medical issue. And then walk away. (Especially since you cant actually smell it unless you are sniffing my head, and no one at work has any business sniffing my head. I have a friend who wears it, and he hugged me once while I was wearing a coat. Ive occasionally used new products at home or at work that were stronger than I anticipated. Several of the ingredients they use are irritants to lungs and eyes, several others are known allergens, and some of them are linked to neurotoxicity. Talk to your doctor about Im reading all the advice here for other potential sources of the smell and Im picturing Gene Hackman in The Conversation, tearing up his apartment looking for a listening device. Is it because she's sad all the time, I guess? I would be very surprised if everyone in that office besides OP is living a committed scent-free lifestyle. Nobody wanted to deal with her because she was insane in many ways. Even I cant wear those. Oh no! Cmon, guys. I dont even own any alcohol-based spray-type perfumes, just oils and solid perfumes, and I still refer to them all as just perfume, so I think thats what OP meant. So many great suggestions here for how to deal with her from that perspective since she, not the scent, is the problem. The brain is, if youll pardon the expression, at the heart of a lot of this. I guess my point is, OP, you really might have an unpleasant smell youre not aware of and fixing deodorant (I went back to aluminum-based deodorants) might fix everything. Im one of the rare 20-somethings that doesnt take laundry to my parents house to do, because their washer smells funky and the funk seems to come off on my clothes a little. update: is my future manager a bigoted jerk? If I really need to do laundry and my parents invite me over for an evening, I may take some over then, but just enough to tide me over until I have time to do laundry in my own building. The exaggerated sniffing, the pointed remarks about patchouli (which definitely smells NOTHING like lemon)those arent the behaviors of someone who is genuinely trying to solve an unfortunate issue. Note that the issue is addressed in a business by in this case, the sniffer's manager, to the sniffer. But this fragrance is Dior! just to watch her reaction. Consider having a friend/family member (who doesnt live with you!) Honestly, as someone with deadly allergies, Id appreciate the effort you were putting in. LPR causes post-nasal drip, a lump in the throat feeling, and can cause . You dont have to turn your life upside down, especially for someone who isnt being reasonable. Concerns are shared. Maybe a (different) co-worker, in case the smell is lingering around the OPs work station as mentioned below. Good idea! B: Acknowledging that something is a bad thing. I understand that fragrances can be bothersome (I dont like many of them myself), but the coworker needs to define whether this goes beyond plain bothersome into I-cannot-concentrate territory. I have to agree. Does she police every individual in the office? I keep forgetting I probably need to try it for all those foreclosed houses I enter that simply reek of animal waste. :(. When I mentioned it to the host, she looked baffled and said she couldnt smell anything. Im not sure the OP really can win with this co-worker. Id be pretty miffed if I had to stop using things in my personal life. But more likely these coworkers are the only people left with improvements to make in this situation. As part of following AAMs #3 advice, you should ask your boss to help you figure out if you still have a scent issue. I will ask do you still use your perfume on the weekends? What does the coworker do about everyone else? LW didnt disclose her ethnicity (and she shouldnt feel pressured to) but I know from having friends with various backgrounds (some Indian, some black, etc) that, for example, sometimes someone of Indian heritage will be mocked for smelling like curry, even when they dont. I actually have a diminished sense of smell but patchouli is one scent that penetrates my nose. I smell :(. The vinegar smell has always washed for me, but I know some people who add 1-2 drops of EO to add some lavender/peppermint scent to it, but that opens the door to other complaints anyways. Allergist Dr. Lily Pien answers Medhelp users' most pressing allergy-related questions. They want to give my seat to others wearing cologne. Its your co-workers responsibility to go to their supervisor with a request for accommodation, doing the formal form filled out by a physician versus going to you each time she doesnt like the way you smells when you have done everything that you can do to accommodate her. Or make sure youre using a powerful, unscented detergent. I have sniffels all the time. Last week I walked past a spot where an older lady had gotten out of her car and I could barely breathe for the perfume smell. If she says the smell is on your scarf, but you have a new scarf, then Id get a second opinion. Find out if your city is a top "allergy capital.". Shes also likes to make comments about other people smelling bad when shes one of them. I wonder if he has a front loader washing machine that is moldy and stinking up his clothes or he lets them sit for awhile before drying. But some people never stop being bullies, or they become bullies in adulthood because theyre tired of being powerless. Theres no way that none of them have even one Powder Fresh or Ocean Breeze or Fresh Cotton or Freesia Delight product in their lives. And its one of the most powerful triggers available. Also, while I typically have (mild) allergic reactions to fragrances, sometimes non-scented products have ingredients that Im sensitive to. I just wonder how strongly it can stick to clothes if thats how the fragrance is transferring. It wasnt, but now Ill claim it was :-). Everything could be hated by someone, and yeah, so long as Axe is still allowed, Yep, Im not going to stop using incense and oils at home out of the worry that it might travel with me to work on my clothes, or spend inordinate amounts of time washing my clothes to make sure theyre pristine so I dont smell like patchouli. I couldnt smell it approaching the rack, but it was very apparent in my home. It may not register with me that Im smelling something, but if Im in a good mood and start getting irritable for no apparent reason, I usually think about the smells around me to identify the culprit. I still loved bourbon but I could not drink Jack for 20 years. I dont like using them, because they seem very anti-social, but I will in places I cant get out of and have no chance of controlling like an airplane or in a taxi. It looks like you just have someone who just doesnt like your scent. But the world is literally full of smells. I still cant eat that stuff. Ugh. I empathize with those who have trouble controlling their sniffles because sometimes even the best, most consistent health care cant turn off the faucets in your face, and no amount of tissues in the world will ever be enoughbut f*ck is that repeated sound awful. When used often enough, this technique can make your colleague think twice about the . Let go of the guilt. I wonder, are there treatment options for people who are extra sensitive to fragrances? So stop it. I am 30 years old and I have been told that I sniff constently in my sleep. If this coworker is so sensitive to scent that those everyday, likely-impossible-to-avoid things are enough to cause problems, then she needs accommodations beyond just asking coworkers to not wear perfume. First of all, if there REALLY is a smell, even a very faint one, that shes making a big deal about it, you have shown her that you are and have dealt with it and now the matter is settled. Dont spray too much if you do go looking for it! We ended up deciding to go scent free office because both of them was sensitive to different things. I would abstain from actively putting on perfume before work, but I wouldnt get up early to shower before work if that wasnt something I felt like doing. And negative associations with patchouli? BLOW YOUR NOSE! Vinegar is good at getting out the smell of smoke too. My heart rate goes up, my brain scatters, I get queasy and headache-y, etc. People who dont like indie-type perfumes often just categorize them all as patchouli as a catch-all for hippie smells. Your coworker may just be associating you with whatever smell she didnt like before. I expected him to accommodate my scent-aversion because I lived with him! Move there. Yep. Dont even turn your head. My boss solution was to buy her a fan that she could turn on while I was in the room to point at me to keep my stink away from her. But since I had a bad cold about 2 month ago, I am doing it all the time, even though my nose isn't running or blocked. . She was here before me, and Ive been here three years. We got fried chicken and rode the train home together . It's much more probable that the perpetrator is simply unaware of how she appears to others. However, I draw the line at cheap room fragrance oil diffuser things for some reason, those set off my migraines. If not I would actually quit over this. I think Alison has asked us not to read race into letters because it can become derailing and its all speculation. Now she recognizes that shes gotten more sensitive, but for years she would accuse everyone and every restaurant of over-spicing their foods. Many people have year-round reactions to indoor allergens such as mold, dust mites or animal dander. The best you can do is ask people to be considerate. I finally had to write up one worker who insisted on spraying perfume in the office. And it smelled *horrible* and wouldnt come out; I tried vinegar and Oxi-clean after about five washes and that seemed to help. If they were prevented from being able to smell, many many of them had reactions to the smell when they thought it was there and it wasnt and did not react when it was there but they didnt know. Do you have a sweater or jacket that you wear on a regular basis that you keep in your office? Our nine-year-old son has trouble remembering to chew with his mouth closed. If those same people saw the fire, theyd be grateful and not at all offended. Does anything in your home smell like patchouli? Seconding the thanks! And has had it since he was a child. Also, people may have to use specific strongly smelling products because of their own medical needs. At some point, you gotta be able to cope. Yeah, I get not bringing scents into the workplace and all, and Id try to be cognizant of it, but I love patchouli and I have a serious smell problem I need to deal with at home that I use a lot of incense and scented oils for (and patchouli is one of the smells I use specifically because its strong enough to deal with it). On an airplane I dont need to interact with others, so being anti-social is not an issue. It sounds like your coworker is a drama llama and shes in the wrong. Im not, and Ive told her Im not. But we shake it off, and the office culture is such that a person complaining about that sort of thing would be told to suck it up unless it presents a health concern. That was me and popcornI worked at the concession counter of a movie theater as a teenager, and it took about five years to lose that powerful aversion to the smell of buttered popcorn. Really!). Im pretty sensitive to smells (my husband says Im part bloodhound; I just say that Im allergic to everything), and my husband, back when we were dating, used the most foul-smelling (to me) soaps and laundry detergent. This may be snarky.but perhaps the coworker could simply rub a bit of Vicks Vapor Rub just above her upper lip. :(. Hmmmm food for thought. Eat something and get sick and your body remembers at a very basic level. It smells like unwashed bodies with bad b.o. Or the chair, if its a fragrance she was wearing for a while before the coworker first complained? Some of that scent is going to linger in the machine, so even if I do my clothes separately, there might be scent residue that affects the coworker. I guess my point is if coworker is smelling something and attributing it to the OP because of past issues, something needs to be done to determine what the source of something is, and I know blindfolds are a weird thing, but it might actually worth it to float as a trial balloon that Look youre smelling something, we agree you are, youre not crazy, but we DONT agree on what something is. There was actually a study done a while ago that found that a lot of people with sensitivities to fragrance actually had psychosomatic sensitivities. Also, sniffing is very commonly associated with allergies. Youre going a long way to accommodate her, which is nice of you. From what you described she just wrinkles up her nose and is not having an allergy problem. I explained his cologne was overpowering and offered him the elevator while I would take the stairs. Take action to lessen the importance of your achievements or how you realized4 your accomplishments. 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coworker constantly sniffing